World Map

World Map World Map Read about our projects below Vælg Land Vælg Bevillingshaver Vælg Projekttype Land Titel Bevillingshaver Projekttype…

FoRB Window

…application forms and guidelines for applying. For applications below 200.000 DKK applications are welcomed at any time. For applications above 200.000 DKK, please see the coming deadline for applications here….

CKU Fund

…that applications are assessed according to a rights-based approach, and take into account the policies and strategies for NGO support that the Danish parliament and government have adopted. The Danish…


…read more about each project. Read more Medlemmer og partnere CKU is cooperating with a wide range of networks and member organisations across the world to promote a just and

Home test

…a wide range of networks and member organisations across the world to promote a just and sustainable societal development in some of the world’s most vulnerable areas. Læs mere About…

Application forms

…for A and B projects Final LFA assesment for A projects Final LFA assesment for B projects Completion reports for activities C Completion report for activities D and E Completion…


…(2004) Tools and studys Religion and Peace in East Africa, Danmission (september 2016) Religion and development – a guide for context analysis in country programming, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (januar 2016) Annotated…

Freedom of religion or belief

…in Denmarks priority countries’ here In cooperation with a number of secular and faith-based organizations we are also behind a learning platform, making resources available to NGO’s and politicians, who…

Feedback and complaints

…to protecting vulnerable individuals from abuse, exploitation, and harm. Concerns may range from sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment, but it can also encompass discrimination, physical violence, and abuse of authority….

Types of Support

…Up to DKK 750.000. Read more about the different types of support in the menu (right). Here you can also download application forms and guidelines for applying. The CKU fund…

Network for Religion and Development

…religion and religious players in the development efforts and put this topic on the agenda in Denmark and abroad. Organizations The Religion and Development initiatives has contributed to a stronger…

Application forms

…Activities TD and TE Financial Reporting Format Guides and Resources Guidelines for CKUs FoRB-Window Budget Guidelines for CKU Pooled fund and FoRB-window Example of agreement between DO and SP Example…

Project Support

…here Read more FoRB Window The Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) open window funds projects that increase respect for and protection and promotion of religious freedom. The FoRB window…

All resources

All resources and publications Below we have collected all the resources and materials developed by Center for Church-Based Development. Online courses Preventing Sexual Misconduct Anti-Fraud & Anti-Corruption Training FORB and

Knowledge center

…an important role in achieving the UN Global Goals. Read more Religion and development As many as 80 percent of the world’s population consider religion an important factor in their…

Church-based Diaconia

…passed on God’s demand for justice and equality for all people. For this reason, international diaconia is also advocacy on behalf of the vulnerable and marginalized – and about engagement…

How to apply

…guidelines. They are made to help you when writing your application and also descrives the special criterias that the application to the FoRB window will be assessed after. Most used…

How to apply

Example of Self-Assessment – M&E Guide Annex 4 – Example of Household Survey – M&E Guide Annex 5 – Household Registration Sheet- M&E Guide Checklist for Project Applications Please contact…