Reports and articles
- Donor engagement with religion and faith-based organisations in development cooperation, Jannie Le Moigne and Marie Juul Petersen (juni 2016)
- Resilience in disaster research: three versions, Rasmus Dahlberga, Christine Tind Johannessen-Henrybd, Emmanuel Rajucd & Suhella Tulsianiad (April 2015)
- Religious actors in development: Time to fix our blind spot, Merel van Meerkerk og Brenda Bartelink (januar 2015)
- Development cooperation and Religion – a Prisma contribution to reflection and policy, H. Jochemsen (2014)
- Faith in Civil Society: Religious Actors as Drivers of Change, Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development (2013)
- Faith partnership principles: Working effectively with faith groups to fight global poverty, DFID (juni 2012)
- Partnering with Religious Communities for Children, UNICEF (januar 2012)
- Churches in Development, Swedish Mission Council (april 2009)
- Religion and Development. A New Perspective on Africa. Harvard International Review, Stephen Ellis & Gerie ter Haar (May 2007)
- The Muslim Perspective, Siti Muadah Mulia (Lecture October 2007)
- The Hindu Perspective, Chander Khanna (Lecture, October 2007)
- The Christian Perspective, Philomena Mwaura (Lecture, October 2007)
- The Forgotten Factor: The Uneasy Relationship between Religion and Development. Leah Sellinger, Social Compass (2004)
Tools and studys
- Religion and Peace in East Africa, Danmission (september 2016)
- Religion and development – a guide for context analysis in country programming, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (januar 2016)
- Annotated bibliography on Religion and Development, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (2015)
- A normative model for the practice of cooperation in development as a basic for international social justice, H. Jochemsem (2015)
- Religion and Development. Practioners Guide (fra Knowledge center Religion and Development, 2011)
Books and booklets
- For Better or for Worse, The Role of Religion in Development Cooperation, Swedish Mission Council (2016)
- Kristendom og udvikling – kan tro flytte bjerge? (Danish)
- Religion som et aktiv i udviklingssamarbejdet – et dialogskrift (Danish)
- Inspiring Change: Creating More Space for Grace in Organisations, Rick James (2012)
- Religion og udviking. Ny Mission nr. 22. Redigeret af Mogens S. Mogensen. Frederiksberg: Dansk Missionsråd (2012) (Danish)
- Kirkerne i mission og udvikling: Kan religion være fremmende for udvikling? Lene Sjørup, red., Udviklingsteologi. Den tredje Verden og teologi i dag. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2008 (Danish)
- Religion: Help or Hindrance to Development? Edited by Kenneth Mtata. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig. LWF Documentation 58/2013
- Africa Interfaith Initiative on the Post 2015 Development Agenda. Africa Faith Leaders’ Summit, Kampala, Uganda, (July 2014). Erklæring, Politik.
- Religion and International Development. Interview with Katherine Marshall, Director, Development Dialogue on Values and Ethics, The World Bank. Rachel Mumford (March 2006)
Completed events
The Network for Religion and Development has since 2014 held a lot of activities that in various ways has addressed the topic.
Seminars, courses and conferences
- SDG 16 Seminar: Faith and Peacebuilding
- Kommunikationskursus – Religion og udvikling, hvor svært kan det være? (Danish)
- Conference: Religion in Development Cooporation and Foreign Policy – International, European and Danish Perspectives
- Seminar: Christianity, Wealth and Spiritual Power in Ghana
- Seminar: Beyond Religious Tolerance: Muslim-Christian Coexistence in Nigeria
- Seminar: Kirkerne og Verdensmålene (Danish)
- Seminar on religion, development and right (held in Aarhus)
- Seminar: Measuring inter-religious dialogue
- Kursus i religion, udvikling og menneskerettigheder (Danish)
- Seminar: Religiøs politik – Politisk religion (Danish)
- Seminar: Religion og nødhjælp (Danish)
- Seminar: Religion og LGBTI (Danish)
- Seminar: Religion, konflikt og naturressourceforvaltning (Danish)
- Seminar: Religion og rettigheder (Danish)
- Seminar: Religion – udviklingshæmmende og -fremmende (Danish)
- Religion and Peace in East Africa, Danmission (september 2016)
- Donor engagement with religion and faith-based organisations in development cooperation, Jannie Le Moigne and Marie Juul Petersen (juni 2016)
- Religion and development – a guide for context analysis in country programming, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (2016)
- Annotated bibliography on Religion and Development, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (2015)
- Religion som et aktiv i udviklingssamarbejdet – et dialogskrift (Danish)