Diaconal work promotes local development processes

Diaconia means serving and is at the core of the Church identity. Since the beginning of Christianity, the term diaconia has referred to the service done by the Church to people in need. The Church also has a calling to exercise prophetic diaconia – in the same way that the prophets of the Bible passed on God’s demand for justice and equality for all people. For this reason, international diaconia is also advocacy on behalf of the vulnerable and marginalized – and about engagement in diaconal challenges and the opportunities of international partnerships that the globalized world offer its churches.

CKU – Center for Church-Based Development – wants to support the Christian motivation to work for justice, strenghten human dignity and life conditions, and care for the creation. We believe that change is possible. Transformation, reconciliation and empowerment are three key components in our diaconal approach: Transformation: Acknowledging that we are created and loved by God transforms our self-images as humans and motivates us to work for a just world and a fair distribution of its resources. Reconciliation: God became a human being in Christ to mend man’s broken relationship with God, each other, and creation. In doing so, he also calls his Church to heal relationships and promote peace and reconciliation. Empowerment: God has equipped and authorized the Church, through diaconia, to care for people in need and to fight for justice and equal opportunities for all.