Contact information
Find phone numbers and e-mail adresses here.

Apply for funding for development projects here
Apply for funding
CKU manages a number of pooled funds on behalf of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Danish civil society organizations can apply for support for development interventions in cooperation with partners in the global South.

World Map
CKU provides support for more than 140 projects in 40 countries. Click on the world map to read more about each project.
Members and partners
CKU is cooperating with a wide range of networks and member organisations across the world to promote a just and sustainable societal development in some of the world’s most vulnerable areas.

About CKU
CKU (Centre for Church based Development) is a Danish Resource Centre for development cooperation through church-based networks. We represent 38 member organizations with 120 partners in 40 countries. Our aim is that marginalized people all around the world may experience true transformation, and that their dignity and opportunities for creating a better life for themselves will be improved.