On this page you can find a list of CKU member organisations, as well as the networks with whom we cooperate.
Member Organisations
CKU – Centre for Church based Development – has a total of 36 member organisations. Together they represent many different church traditions, target groups, and ways of operating.
The member organisations work in more than 40 different countries in partnership with local church-based organisations. These partnerships are long-term; some of them go back over 150 years. The long-term partnerships mean that solid, mutual respect, trust, and willingness to listen and learn from each other has been built – a connectedness, not limited to a project period or one single project, but one which has existed before and which will also continue to exist after the projects have been completed.
Please find below a list of links to the homepages of the different member organisations, where you can read more about each organisation and the work they do (Most webpages are in Danish, but some of them have an English section)
- Aktive Kristnes Omsorgsarbejde
- Apostolsk Kirkes Mission (Danish Apostolic Church Mission)
- Areopagos
- Assist
- Baptistkirken i Danmark (Danish Baptist Union)
- Betlehems Venner
- Brødremenighedens Danske Mission (Danish Moravian Mission)
- Børnenes Liv
- Children’s Mission
- Dansk Kherwara Mission (Mission Kherwara)
- Det Danske Bibelselskab (Danish Bible Society)
- Evangelisk Frikirke Danmark
- Frelsens Hær (Salvation Army Denmark)
- Fremtid og Håb (Future and Hope)
- Hope Danmark
- International Aid Services
- Israelsmissionen (Danish Israel Misison)
- KFUM og KFUK i Danmark (YMCA and YWCA in Denmark)
- Kirkernes Integrations Tjeneste (Church Integration Ministries)
- Luthersk Mission (Danish Lutheran Mission)
- Mercy Outreach – Denmark
- Mercy Ships
- Metodistkirkens Verdensmission (United Methodist Church Denmark)
- Mission Afrika
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Mission Uden Grænser
- Mission Øst (Mission East)
- Operation Mission (Operation Mobilisation)
- Projekt U-landshjælp til Selvhjælp (PULS)
- Promissio
- Spedalskhedsmissionen (The Leprosy Mission Denmark)
- Ungdom med Opgave (Youth With A Mission)
- Viva Denmark
- Youth For Christ Denmark
Associated Members
Partners and Networks
CKU cooperates with relevant partners all over the world, and takes part in networks concerned with religion and development. Please find below a list of our partners and the networks, in which we take part.
Danish Partners
- Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd
- Danske Handicaporganisationer
- Dansk Missionsråd
- Danske Kirkers Råd
- Mellemkirkeligt Råd
- Diakonhøjskolen
- Diakonissestiftelsen
- Folkekirkens Nødhjælp
- ADRA Danmark
- Renoveringsværksteder (Genbrug til Syd)
International Partners
- Micah Global
- Børne- og Ungenetværket
- Globalt Fokus (including active participation in a number of working groups)
- Space for Grace
- Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans