Freedom of religion or belief
Three-quarters of the world population lives in areas, where their freedom of religion or belief is limited to a high or very high degree, according to Pew Research Center. Therefore, CKU (Centre for Church-based Development) is dedicated to share information about the right to freedom of religion or belief.
In 2021 we released the report: ‘It’s the thought that counts’. The report discusses why it is important to include the right to freedom of religion or belief in the work that centers around improving conditions for civic space as well as why it is important to include religious actors in projects evolving around civic space and democracy.
Read the report “It’s the thought that counts” here.
In addition, we have published a report focusing on the status of freedom of religion or belief in Denmark’s priority countries.
Read the report ‘Freedom of religion or belief in Denmarks priority countries’ here
In cooperation with a number of secular and faith-based organizations we are also behind a learning platform, making resources available to NGO’s and politicians, who wishes to work for this particular right. The Freedom of Religion or Belief Learning Platform is an initiative under the Nordic Ecumenical Network on International Freedom of Religion or Belief (NORFORB). The platform will help promote the freedom of religion or belief for everyone, in line with what is written in Article 18 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The learning platform provides resources such as short films in multiple languages, study materials, and ideas for group reflections aiming to help individuals, communities, and decisionmakers promote the learning, reflection, and securing of the freedom of religion or belief for everyone. The resources have been developed in cooperation with specialists and with the inputs of people with various religious backgrounds.
Visit the learning platform here.
Below you can watch a video that introduces the right to freedom of religion or belief.