Møde i UM's kontaktforum for religions- og trosfrihed

21nov14:0016:00Møde i UM's kontaktforum for religions- og trosfrihed


Theme: The role of Freedom of Religion or Belief in conflict transformation in Africa.

At the meeting, you will be presented with insights from experts and actors in civil society, academia and diplomacy on the role of FoRB in conflict transformations with a regional focus on West Africa. The meeting will also provide an opportunity for networking among the participants, and hopefully also serve as inspiration for further work on freedom of religion or belief.

Speakers and panelists include Dr. Jason Klocek, Assistant Professor in Politics and International relations at the University of Nottingham, the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) as well as a Danish Ambassador to West Africa.

Registration by sending an e-mail to: sleivs@um.dk and marapi@um.dk

Please note that there are a limited number of seats available. Therefore, please keep us updated if you are unable to attend so someone else can get your seat.

Deadline for registration is November 18th.



21/11/2024 14:00 - 16:00(GMT+01:00)



Eigtveds Pakhus, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Asiatisk Plads 2, 1448 Copenhagen.

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