Safeguarding Seminar
30okt09:0012:00Safeguarding Seminar
Member organizations and their south partners are invited to a virtual safeguarding seminar the 30th of October from 9-12 CET. The purpose of Safeguarding is
Member organizations and their south partners are invited to a virtual safeguarding seminar the 30th of October from 9-12 CET.
The purpose of Safeguarding is to ensure that all people are treated with respect, dignity and worth and to avoid negative effects and harm for project recipients and partners in project activities supported by CKU. It is a requirement in CKU that self-administering organizations have their own Safeguarding policy and that local partners have a local complaint- and response mechanism in place when receiving CKU grants above 500.000 DKK. Read more here CKU’s Safeguarding policy and CKU’s guide: How to establish a complaint- and response mechanism.
The seminar will be led by safeguarding expert Mette Honore who will introduce the subject. Mette Honore has worked 30 years at Danish Refugee Council and today she has her own company “Safe Standards” where she works as a consultant in safeguarding and investigation.
CKU looks forward to inviting you on board in the process of ensuring accountability and protection for project recipients and partners.
- 9.00 Welcome and introduction
- 9.30 What is ’Safeguarding’ – history and definitions
- 9.50 A survivor-centred approach
- 10.00 Group work – 3 cases– is this a ‘safeguarding concern’?
- 10.15 Plenary
- 10.30 Donor requirements from donors to CKU and partner
- 10.45 Organizations and culture (formal/informal)
- 11.00 Coffee break
- 11.10 Partnerships and safeguarding?
- 11.25 Group work – identify partner profiles and risks
- 11.40 Plenary presentation
- 11.50 CKU and Safeguarding
- 11.55 Questions and comments and goodbye
Register here:
A zoom link will be shared before the seminar.
30/10/2024 09:00 - 12:00(GMT+02:00)